Allergies (Food and Pet)
Everyone cooking breakfast and preparing packed lunches / platters has undertaken full allergen training and will happily accommodate any food allergies. If guests could please advise us in advance of arriving we will make every effort to adhere to your requirements. Despite the fact our suppliers change from time to time we will always have ingredients lists for all food and beverages we serve to you including summaries of the commonest allergens.
Alternative diets are easily catered for and we would be happy to discuss how we can adapt our standard breakfast menu to maximise choices for guests following vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free lifestyles. Once again advance notice ahead of your stay would allow us to give you the best experience and make sure we have all right ingredients in the house ready.
Vegan guests should note that rooms 2 and 3 have leather sofas.
Food intolerances – we understand how uncomfortable food intolerances can be. If you have an intolerance do please let us know and we will make sure you are not exposed to the foodstuff(s) concerned.
Pet allergies – we have a pet cat called Bennett. Bennett does not enter any guest bedrooms, nor the dining room, nor anywhere where food is prepared. He does however enjoyed being exercised on the public staircases while guests are out for the day. For that reason The Gordon is probably not the best choice for anyone with a cat allergy. Room 1 is a dog-friendly room. The room will be scrupulously cleaned after each visit but if you have a dog allergy we advise you book in rooms 2-4.
If there is anything not covered here you would like to ask do please just get in touch.